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Rebecca Turner Academy pre-K students visit Lawrence Farms Orchards for apple picking

Rebecca Turner Academy pre-K students visit Lawrence Farms Orchards for apple picking

On October 23, 2024, Rebecca Turner Academy pre-K classes, parents and staff visited Lawrence Farms Orchards in Newburgh, New York. The class trip was provided by various donors throughout the community. The trip provided a hands-on sensory rich experience that allowed students to learn about the life cycles of apples, different apple varieties and the concept of harvesting. 

Students not only had the opportunity to walk through the orchard to pick apples but also had the opportunity to pick a pumpkin in the pumpkin patch as well as experience a hayride. The students, staff and families culminated the trip by sitting together to have lunch out in the field as a family. Click here to view more pictures.

RTA Pre-K apple picking
Students holding apples.
Student picking apples.
Students and staff posing with pumpkins.
Student picking his apples.
Student working on apple drawing.



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