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Public Statement Regarding Mount Vernon Federation of Teachers Contract

Public Statement Regarding Mount Vernon Federation of Teachers Contract

As the community may be aware, the Board of Education and the Mount Vernon Federation of Teachers (MVFT) have been engaged in collective bargaining for a new agreement. Although the current agreement between the parties expired on June 30, 2022, it is important to note that the District has a legal obligation to continue to honor the terms and provisions of the contract until a new agreement is reached. The foregoing includes granting “step movement” (based upon years of service) and “lane changes” (based upon the completion of graduate course credits) within the existing salary schedule which have resulted and will continue to result in an annual automatic base salary increases for certain staff members beyond the date of expiration of the contract.

Notwithstanding the parties’ inability to reach an agreement at this time, the Board wants to make clear how much we value and respect the hard work performed by members of the MVFT daily in contributing to the education of the children of this community. The fact that the Board has not reached an agreement with the MVFT has absolutely nothing to do with the appreciation the Board has for the work our staff members perform in our buildings each day. The Board is confident that the parties will ultimately reach a settlement that is fair and equitable for our valued staff and fiscally responsible for our community members. We will continue to work with the MVFT to reach a settlement that meets these important goals while simultaneously maintaining and indeed enhancing our fine educational program.

-Dr. K. Veronica Smith, Acting Superintendent and the Mount Vernon Board Trustees

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Dr. K. Veronica Smith, Acting Superintendent of Schools: 

Unfortunately, as I am sure you have heard, there has been another devastating and senseless attack in a school in our country. Our hearts go out to the community, families and students of Apalachee High School in Barrow County, Georgia. The Mount Vernon City School District extends its sincerest sympathies to all those who were affected by this violence. 

Dr. Christopher Pearce

Dr. Christopher Pearce, Principal at Mount Vernon STEAM Academy, is an alum of the Class of 1989 at Mount Vernon High School, and he has been an educator for the District since 2000. He began as a math teacher, then became a dean of students, an assistant principal, and finally a principal. He is at his second school as principal, having also led the former Benjamin Turner Middle School. He has committed the majority of his career to shaping the lives of students in the school district that he graduated from. 

Mount Vernon City School District kicks off the 2024 - 2025 School Year

Elementary and middle school students pranced into their school buildings while waving goodbye to their parents on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, for the first day of school. Smiles filled the hallways as students and teachers greeted each other with warm welcomes to kick off the 2024 -2025 school year.

Carlos Ramirez

MVCSD Director of Technology Carlos Ramirez was selected this summer to serve on the College of Westchester’s College Advisory Council for the School of Information Technology. 

The College Advisory Council advises the College of Westchester on the workforce demands in the current climate to help guide academic programs and review learning outcomes and objectives. Their goal is to ensure that students are prepared to enter the workforce upon graduation.