Code of Conduct Amendment 7300.60
The Board of Education is committed to ensuring an atmosphere on school property and school functions that is safe and orderly. To achieve this kind of environment, any school official authorized to impose a disciplinary consequence on a student may question a student about an alleged violation of law or the District Code of Conduct. Students are not entitled to any “Miranda” –type warning before being questioned by school officials, nor are school officials required to contact a student’s parent/guardian before questioning the student. However, school officials will tell all students why they are being questioned.
Physical /Pat-Down Searches
The Board authorizes the Superintendent of Schools or their designee, Building Principals or their designee, Assistant Principals, the School Nurse, and District Security Officials to conduct searches of students and their belongings. Before searching a student, the authorized school official must inquire about the student's possession of physical evidence, which violates the District Code of Conduct. Such searches may generally only be performed when the authorized school official has Reasonable Suspicion to believe that the search will yield evidence of a violation of the law or the District Code of Conduct.
Reasonable Suspicion is defined as follows:
1. Metal Detector Alert or X-Ray Machines
A metal detector alerts the Superintendent of Schools or their designee, Building Principals or their designee, Assistant Principals, the School Nurse, or District Security Officials that a metallic item is on the student's person.
2. Hand-Held Wand Alert
A hand-held wand alerts the Superintendent of Schools or their designee, Building Principals or their designee, Assistant Principals, the School Nurse, or District Security Officials to the presence of a metallic item on the student's person.
3. Reliable Information
Reliable information* is provided to the Superintendent of Schools or their designee, Building Principals or their designee, Assistant Principals, the School Nurse, or District Security Officials from a reliable informant indicating that the student has prohibited items such as weapons or drugs. Possessing, consuming, selling, distributing, or exchanging alcoholic beverages or illegal substances, or being under the influence of either. “Illegal substances” include, but are not limited to, inhalants, editable, cocaine, LSD, PCP, amphetamines, synthetic cannabinoids, heroin, steroids, vaping, look-alike drugs, and any substances commonly referred to as “designer drugs.” (including illegal narcotics, unprescribed medication, marijuana), vape devices, or alcohol. (This list is not exhaustive of illicit drugs.) (Board Policy #7320)
4. Personal Observation
The Superintendent of Schools or their designee, Building Principals or their designee, Assistant Principals, the School Nurse, or District Security Officials personally observe the student concealing a weapon (metallic or non-metallic) or drugs on their person, regardless of whether a metal detector, X-Ray machine or hand-held wand alert occurs.
*Reliable Informants may include students, volunteers, bystanders, or individuals with a verified track record of providing accurate information. Information from an informant may also be deemed reliable if corroborated by another source or if a student provides a statement against their own interest. A verified track record is not mandatory to be considered a reliable informant. Generally, individuals who have previously provided inaccurate information will not be deemed reliable.
Physical Search/Pat-Down Protocol
All searches must be conducted to respect the student’s dignity and privacy while ensuring the safety of the school community.
Voluntary Disclosure
1. The student can voluntarily retrieve or reveal the item(s) in question before conducting a physical search.
Metal Detection Scan
2. After retrieval or voluntary disclosure, the student must pass through a metal detector and/or undergo a scan with a hand-held wand.
Pat-Down Search
3. If the metal detector or wand signals the presence of an item, an authorized school official may conduct a pat-down search.
Guiding Principles
1. Searches should only be conducted when necessary and sensitive to the student’s dignity.
2. All searches should be conducted in a manner that respects the dignity and privacy of the student while ensuring the safety and well-being of all individuals within the school environment.
3. Authorized personnel must adhere to this policy to ensure compliance with legal and ethical standards.
4. Whenever practicable, searches will be conducted in the privacy of administrative offices, and students will be present when their possessions are being searched. Searches will be limited to the extent necessary to locate the evidence sought.
Protocol for Schools or Events Without Metal Detectors or Handheld Wands
In the absence of Metal Detectors or Handheld Wands, the following protocol must be followed:
1. Student Self-Search
A. The Superintendent of Schools or their designee, Building Principals or their designee, Assistant Principals, School Nurses, or District Security Officials will instruct the student to perform a Self-Search.
B. The student must remove all items from their person, including pockets, bags, or any concealed items.
2. Pat-Down Search:
A. Once the Self-Search is completed, the Superintendent of Schools or their designee, Building Principals or their designee, Assistant Principals, School Nurse, or District Security Officials will perform a Pat-Down search of the student.
**However, notwithstanding the above, each school may implement Random Pat Down Searches.
This procedure applies specifically when Metal Detectors or Handheld Wands are unavailable.
This policy underscores the District’s commitment to creating a safe environment while safeguarding the rights and well-being of all students.