Enrollment Documents
In order for the Mount Vernon City School District to process a student enrollment, certain enrollment documents will need to be presented to the school district such as:
1. A photo ID of the student's parent/legal guardian (e.g. Passport, State ID, or Employment ID)
2. Proof of Age
Evidence of a student’s age shall be obtained by one of the following:
An original or certified transcript of a birth certificate or record of baptism (including an original or certified transcript of a foreign birth certificate or record of baptism) giving the date of birth; or
Passport (including foreign passport) giving the date of birth.
Where the above are not available, the School District may consider certain other documents/records in existence two years or more to determine age. One or more of these documents may be necessary. The documents are the following:
Official driver’s license
State or other government issued identification
School photo identification with date of birth
Consulate identification card
Hospital or health records
Military dependent identification card
Documents issued by federal, state or local agencies (for instance, local social services agency, federal Office of Refugee Resettlement)
Court orders or other court-issued documents
Native American trial document
Records from non-profit international aid agencies and voluntary agencies
**NOTE: The School District may need to verify these documents/record (e.g. expired documents)
3. Immunization Records
Every student regardless of age, is required to present proof or official certificate of immunization against Poliomyelitis (3 doses), Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (4 doses), Mumps, Measles, Rubella (2 doses), Varicella (2 dose), Hepatitis B (3 doses). Pre-K requires Pneumococcal (4 doses) and HIB (4 Doses). Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) booster for all 6th grade entrants or 11 years old in accordance with Section 2164 of the New York State Health Law [NY State Education Law Section 14, Article 16, Title I, Article 19}. The immunization records of the student must be signed by a physician or health department representative and must list the month, day, and year that vaccines were given.
If student does not have proof at registration, parent/guardian shall have 30 days after enrollment to either provide appropriate proof and/or complete immunization requirements if any vaccinations are missing.
Exemptions: Students may be exempted from the immunization requirements if any of the following situations exist:
Medical Exemption: A physician (MD or DO) must provide written verification and medical reasons for the exemption of any vaccine. There must be an annual review of the medical exemption.
Religious Exemption: The parent or legal guardian must furnish a notarized statement that must include the following information:
State that religious beliefs conflict with immunization requirements.
The statement must be signed and dated by the parent/legal guardian.
The statement must be notarized, dated and signed by and notary public.
The statement must be submitted in lieu of an immunization certificate.
A clear indication that the statement does not expire.
Note: During the suspected vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks, any student who claims any of the medical or religious exemptions will be subject to automatic exclusion from school.
4. Previous School Records
The student's records from the school most recently attended including records relating to dates attended, immunization records, grades, standardized test scores, and Section 504 or Special Education must be submitted.
5. Proof of Residency
The Mount Vernon City School District requires evidence of residency and may make a reasonable inquiry to verify eligibility for admission into our schools. Parent/guardian should provide 1 item from Section A and 2 item(s) from Section B.
Section A:
Copy of a residential lease or proof of ownership of a house or condominium, such as a deed or mortgage statement;
A statement by a third-party landlord, owner or tenant from whom the parent(s) or person(s) in parental relation leases or with whom they share property within the District;
Such other statement by a third-party establishing parent(s) or person(s) in parental relation physical presence in the School District.
Section B:
Pay stub;
Income tax form(s);
Utility bill or other bills (e.g., power company, cable, National Grid, etc.);
Membership documents that are based upon residency (e.g., library cards);
Voter registration document(s);
Official driver’s license, learner’s permit or non-driver identification;
State or other government issued identification
Documents issued by federal, state or local agencies (for instance, local social services agency, federal Office of Refugee Resettlement);
Evidence of custody of the child/children, including, but not limited to judicial custody orders or guardianship papers;
Other forms of documentation and/or information establishing parent(s) or person(s) in parental relation physical presence in the School District.