Dignity for all Students (DASA)
Harassment, bullying and discrimination prevention
The Board of Education is committed to providing an educational and working environment that promotes respect, dignity and equality. The Board recognizes that discrimination, such as harassment, hazing and bullying, are detrimental to student learning and achievement. These behaviors interfere with the mission of the district to educate its students and disrupt the operation of the schools. Such behavior affects not only the students who are its targets but also those individuals who participate and witness such acts.
To this end, the Board condemns and strictly prohibits all forms of discrimination, such as harassment, hazing and bullying on school grounds, school buses and at all school-sponsored activities, programs and events. Discrimination, harassment, hazing or bullying that takes place at locations outside of school grounds, such as cyberbullying, which creates or can be reasonably expected to create a material and substantial interference with the requirements of appropriate discipline in the operation of the school or impinge on the rights of other students are prohibited, and may be subject to disciplinary consequences.
Bullying. Pursuant to the Dignity for All Students Act, “bullying” and “harassment” are equivalent and used interchangeably. In order to facilitate implementation, provide meaningful guidance and prevent behaviors from rising to a violation of law, this policy will use the term “bullying” (which is usually subsumed under the term “harassment”), which is understood to be the creation of a hostile environment by verbal and non-verbal conduct, intimidation, verbal threats or abuse, including cyberbullying, that has or would have the effect of unreasonably and substantially interfering with a student’s educational performance, opportunities, or benefits; or mental, emotional and/or physical wellbeing. Bullying includes conduct, threats, intimidation or abuse (verbal or non-verbal) that reasonably causes or would reasonably be expected to cause physical or emotional harm. Bullying may be premeditated or a sudden activity, and may be repeated, or have the potential to be repeated over time. It may be subtle or easy to identify, done by one person or a group. Bullying often includes the following characteristics:
- 1. Power imbalance - occurs when a bully uses their physical or social power over a target.
- 2. Intent to harm - the bully seeks to inflict physical or emotional harm and/or takes pleasure in this activity.
- 3. Threat of further aggression - the bully and the target believe the bullying will continue.
- 4. Terror - when any bullying increases, it becomes a “systematic violence or harassment used to intimidate and maintain dominance.” (Barbara Coloroso, The Bully, The Bullied & The Bystander, 2003)
There are at least four kinds of bullying: verbal, physical, social/relational, and cyber.
- Verbal bullying includes name calling, insulting remarks, verbal teasing, frightening phone calls, violent threats, extortion, taunting, gossip, spreading rumors, racist slurs, threatening electronic communications (“cyberbullying”), anonymous notes, etc.
- Physical bullying includes poking, slapping, hitting, tripping or causing a fall, choking, kicking, punching, biting, pinching, scratching, spitting, twisting arms or legs, damaging clothes and personal property, or threatening gestures.
- Social or relational bullying includes excluding someone from a group, isolating, shunning, spreading rumors or gossiping, arranging public humiliation, undermining relationships, teasing about clothing, looks, giving dirty looks, aggressive stares, etc.
- Cyberbullying (Threatening electronic communications)
Click here for the full Student Harassment and Bullying Prevention Policy.
Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) Reporting Form
Contact Info
Office of Pupil Personnel Services
165 N. Columbus Avenue
Mount Vernon, NY 10553
P: (914) 358-2380
F: (914) 665-5170
Dr. Kellie Ramsey
Director of Student Support Services, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Compliance
Denise Ramirez
If bullying is occurring in the school, on school grounds, or during a school event/activity off school grounds, New York State Law requires each district to have a policy and procedures in place for the concerned person(s) to make a report of the bullying, as follows:
- Identify an administrative designee to receive reports of harassment, bullying, and discrimination (ex., the DASA Coordinator);
- Enable students, family members, and others to make an oral or written report to school personnel;
- Require school employees to notify an administrator or designee (g., DASA Coordinator) within one school day of witnessing or receiving a report of harassment, bullying, or discrimination, and to file a written report no later than two school days after such oral report/notification;
- Require administrators or a designee (ex., DASA Coordinator) to lead a thorough investigation of all reports of harassment, bullying, and discrimination that is completed promptly after the receipt of any written report and is recorded [in Part II of the DASA Incident Reporting Form];
- Upon verification of harassing, bullying, and/or discriminatory behavior, require the school to take prompt action(s) reasonably calculated to end harassment, bullying and discrimination, to eliminate any hostile environment, prevent recurrence of the behavior, and to ensure the safety of the student(s) against whom harassment, bullying or discrimination was directed;
- Prohibit retaliation against any individual who reports or assists in the investigation of harassment, bullying, or discrimination;
- Develop a school strategy to prevent harassment, bullying, and discrimination;
- Require school leaders to make a regular report to the superintendent regarding data and trends related to harassment, bullying, and discrimination;
- Require school administrators or designee(s) to promptly notify local law enforcement officials of harassment, bullying and/or discrimination when required to do so;
- Require that all school employees, students, and parents receive a copy of the district’s policies, including the process for reporting harassment, bullying, and discrimination, at least annually;
- Ensure that a current version of the district’s policies and procedures, including an incident report form, are maintained on the district’s website.
Please contact the school/district office and follow the procedures the district and school have in place for reporting incidents that occur on school/district grounds.
Click here to download the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) Reporting Form
DASA Coordinators
Districtwide |
Benjamin Turner Academy (914) 665-5150 |
Doris Dapaah Raisa Turner Kibret Mooyoung |
Cecil H. Parker School (914) 665-5040
Jacqueline Green Tamisha Grey Nikia Jones |
Denzel Washington School of Arts (914) 358-2740
Andrea Thomas Sonya Wingate Tara Lattimer-Wilson Gabrielle Thomas |
Edward Williams School (914) 665-5070
Dr. Crystal Waterman Gregory Casey John Cucurullo Derrick Thompson
Graham School (914) 358-2800
Dr. Natasha Hunter-McGregor Francia Mendoza Annabelle Strozza Sarah McNamee Tasha Bess Jason Jenkins |
Grimes School (914) 665-5020 |
Severin Cornelius Lucille Martir Bahia Harari Dara Smalls Phylicia Harris |
Hamilton School (914) 665-5050
Marc Molina Yesenia Avenaut-Defreitas Tiffany LeFever Jasmine Roberts |
Lincoln School (914) 665-5030 |
Kristin Cipriano Erica Glushakov |
Mount Vernon High School (914) 665-5300
Dr. Pauline Pearce Erica Naughton Tiffany Izzo Allan Grant Natasha Henry Kelvin Roopchand |
Mount Vernon Honor Academy (914) 665-5110
Danielle Davis-Marrow LaShay Caldwell Gabriela Suarez |
Mount Vernon Leadership Academy (914) 358-2700 |
Dr. Colleen Seivright-Crawford Matthew Wilbekin Evelyn Padilla |
Mount Vernon STEAM Academy (914) 665-5120
Dr. Christopher Pearce Anjanette Brown Edwin Alexander |
Nelson Mandela/Dr. Hosea Zollicoffer School (914) 358-2720
Barbara Abbey Tanganyika Linder-Brown Jonathan Bagwell |
Pennington School (914) 665-5105 |
Dr. Melissa White Kenyetta Hopkins Bianca Gentile Stariera Becco |
Rebecca Turner Academy (914) 665-5100
Troy Newbey Jennifer Goire-Peralta Dr. Osman Joasil Arthur Ryan Muhammad |
Traphagen School (914) 665-5060
Carol Quinones Kristen Passarello Stephanie Martino Jeannie Lester Sparkle Richardson |
More Info
The Dignity for All Students Act, effective July 1, 2012, requires that “No student shall be subjected to harassment by employees or students on school property or at a school function; nor shall any student be subjected to discrimination based on a person’s actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender, or sex by school employees or students on school property or at a school function.”
A web page with additional information and downloadable resources is available at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/dignityact/.