School Taxes
General Information
The 2024-2025 school tax bills are now available. You will be receiving a copy in the mail. You may also view/pay your bill online.
We highly recommend remitting your payment online. It's safe, secure and easy with instant proof of payment via email. Go to, scroll down to "Mount Vernon CSD". At the search screen, ONLY enter your bill number - DO NOT ENTER in any other information. If you do not know your bill number, search by street number and name only. Do not enter the type of street. If the search fails, please clear all search criteria before trying again.
General Information
The Mount Vernon City School District collects school taxes over two payment periods, July (1st installment) and January (2nd installment). School tax bills will be mailed to homeowners in the middle of June and December. If a duplicate is needed, please contact the tax office or click on the "InfoTax" link to the right. Failure to receive a bill does not in any way affect the due date of the tax or penalty prescribed by law. (RPT 922). If you no longer own the property listed, please call the tax office. If you have an escrow account, forward the bill to your mortgage company. Finally, we cannot accept partial payments of installments.
Payment Options
Online - Safe, Secure, and easy (Recommended) or the link to the right.
Electronic check (e-check) has a $1.50 per transaction fee.
Credit/debit card has a 2.65% convenience fee ($3 minimum)
When you receive your bill it will include a return envelope. (You must include the payment stub with payment)
If you misplace the enclosed return envelope, put your check & payment stub in another envelope and mail it to:Mount Vernon City School District
Dept # 117221 PO Box 5270 Binghamton, NY 13902-5270Checks must be made payable to: MOUNT VERNON CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
To Pay in Person:
Mount Vernon City School District
165 N. Columbus Avenue Mount Vernon, NY 10553Hours & Schedule for Tax Department
(518) 457-2036
M-F 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Contact Info
Mount Vernon City School District
Office of the Tax Collector
165 N. Columbus Avenue
Mount Vernon, NY 10553
Phone: (914) 665 -5222
Tax Collection Office Hours
Monday-Friday 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Closed On School Holidays
Makeda Sabree
Senior Cashier
(914) 358-2733
Senaida Rivera
Senior Cashier
(914) 358-2735