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Transparency and Audits

The Mount Vernon City School District is fully committed to financial transparency and the fiduciary responsibility it has to the taxpayers of Mount Vernon and prioritizing its resources properly for the education of its students.  

The school district has a system of checks and balances in place both internally and externally to ensure that the district complies with all state, federal and local regulations. Three independent auditors review the financial status of the school district. The external auditor does a yearly review of all financial activities. The internal auditor does a yearly risk assessment and any other audits as directed by the Audit Committee. The internal claims auditor does a weekly audit of all purchases.  

Education Law, Section 2116-a and the Regulations of the Commissioner, Section 170.2(r) require each Board of Education to secure an annual audit by an independent auditor. The Audit Committee shall provide recommendations regarding the appointment of the external auditor, but its recommendations shall not substitute for any required review and acceptance by the Board of Education.

Section 3601 of the Education Law requires the audit report to be filed with the State Education Department by October 15th. (New web-based portal created by NYSED audit services division requiring upload of various documents including audit report and management letter). Filed timely by School District finance department personnel.

  • 30-day grace period allowed if not filed by October 15th.
  • If not filed by November 15th, state aid apportionment due the district in December is withheld pending receipt of audit report (occurred in district several years ago when fixed asset listing was not available for audit in a timely manner).
  • Board of Education must adopt resolution accepting audit report, management letter and extra classroom funds report and submit that to NYS through the NYSED portal as soon as possible, along with any corrective action plan.



Jose Formoso
Assistant Superintendent for Business
(914) 665-5199

Linda Henderson
Senior Clerk - Business Office
(914) 358-2374

Hillary Thompson
Purchasing Agent
(914) 665-5197