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High Schools of Choice

Students in the Mount Vernon City School District choose from among three high schools based on their interests. They are: 

  • The Mount Vernon High School. The traditional high school with a rigorous curriculum and a full complement of offerings to prepare all students for success after high school whether they enter colleges, careers, or the military. The school’s mission is to “inspire students to be inquisitive, knowledge-seeking, compassionate, and principled.” 

            Career and TEchnical Education at MVHS
  • The Mount Vernon STEAM Academy. Provides a problem-based learning approach that integrates all subject areas around the Grand Engineering Challenges from the National Academies of Engineering and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. Students implement the 4 C’s (collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking). 
  • The Denzel Washington School of the Arts. Prepares students for careers as practicing artists. These include actors, vocalists, musicians, dancers and visual artists as well as designers, technicians, curators, administrators, historians, patrons and other contributors to the arts and creative community. 

Contact Info

Dr. Jamal Doggett
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Administration