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Bilingual Education and World Languages

The Mount Vernon City School District is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to every student. The MVCSD English Language Learners (ELL) program is designed to accelerate English acquisition for students whose first language is not English and to further assist them in becoming successful learners in the regular classroom. 

The district provides comprehensive services to ELL learners to improve and support transition from ELL classes to mainstream classes.  Through providing a rigorous learning environment rich in reading, writing, listening and speaking.

ELL students achieve academic success in English language acquisition allowing them to become college and career ready.

Language Access Procedures

Contact Info

Phone: (914) 358-2873
Fax: (914) 665-5170

Naomi Burgos
Bilingual/ENL & WL Dept.  Secretary
(914) 358-2357


NYS Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages (OBEWL)

Home Language Questionnaire (English)

Hudson Valley RBERN

Colorin Colorado

Engage NY

Parent's Bill of Rights

Guide for parent of English Language Learners

Parent Complaint Form

Please complete the form above for complaints. If your complaint is submitted with incomplete information, you will be asked to resubmit a completed form which may cause a delay in response. Furthermore, the District cannot act on incomplete information and therefore may dismiss incomplete complaints. 

Submit your complaint to your student’s principal or to the Language Access Coordinator - 165 North Columbus Ave., Mount Vernon, NY, 10550)
Telephone: (914) 358-2873
Fax: (914) 665-5170.