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DWSA Arts Auditions

The Mount Vernon City School District offers a creative opportunity for students entering grades 6 – 9 to excel academically and artistically. The Denzel Washington School of the Arts is designed for creative students interested in the arts. Students can apply from any Mount Vernon school and are admitted based on an audition in theatre, vocal music, dance, a visual arts portfolio, or playing a musical instrument in addition to a comprehensive application and an interview with the student and parent. The school will assist each student with discovering and nurturing their unique talent while also utilizing an arts framework to support success in academic classes. Students will transfer their creative skills to the classroom and build their cognitive framework and affective mindset to become strong readers, mathematicians, thinkers and learners.

**Application Must Be Complete Prior to Audition

Click to view and download application


Middle and high school auditions will be held at DWSA on Wednesday February 26, 2025, from 5 to 7 p.m., Friday, March 29, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., and Saturday, June 14, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 

DWSA Auditions